Michael Canzian on the Meaning of Success and Habits That Every Successful Person Commits to

The definition of “success” is a vast and subjective term that holds different meanings to different people. It can mean attaining financial wealth, a position of authority, awards, or experience. It is usually connected to a goal that an individual has set for themselves. Success is often considered an end point or end game where a person may not think of themselves as successful until that one specific goal is met.   Humans often compare themselves to one another, and sometimes we tend to base our success on comparisons with those around us.    The definition of success itself is limitless and often changing. Initially, success could be connected to how much money we earn or the way in which society prioritizes wealth above all else as the grand prize. We start learning these lessons early in school as […]

Michael Canzian on Taking Care of Relatives with Alzheimer’s

If there is one thing that Michael Canzian is thankful for it’s the fact that he has strived to create  a healthy mind and body through exercise and proper diet. Of course, he also understands that with Alzheimer’s disease continuing to be an enigma and traditional pharmacological cures remaining elusive, significant research and discovery is still needed  to determine root causes and thus identify effective treatments. The fact remains that alternatives approaches must also be seriously considered.   As one ages, the risk of cognitive decline and perhaps even Alzheimer’s is a risk and concern for many older adults. Clues regarding how the disease progresses are helping the scientific community to pursue both traditional and alternative treatments and therapies.   One of the most important factors of the disease that is often overlooked is the impact on the family circle as it is often the […]

Michael Canzian on Alzheimer’s Disease and the World It Needs

One of the non-profit charities that Michael Canzian donates to is the Alzheimer’s Association. While he donates to other organizations, he highly supports the cause of this non-profit given that millions of people are affected by this disease. Through his donations, he is able to support various initiatives such as advanced research for finding the cure for Alzheimer’s and allocating proper funds for affected elders and families. It may be the case that some who consider donations may think that their contributions would not matter or be significant enough to make an impact, and therefore often choose not to donate at all.  However,  the fact remains that every dollar donation, or the donation of one’s time, is always beneficial and helpful to any non-profit in meetings its goals and objectives.  The only […]

Michael Canzian on Having a Strong and Healthy Marriage

By definition, marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union between two people  that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).  It is a mutual agreement between two people to enter a life-long journey together. Aside from these definitions, what is the true meaning of marriage?   For Michael Canzian, marriage is deciding to take every risk for love, making the relationship stronger each and every day, even when times are difficult. Of course, a partnership with someone out of love sounds like something easy to do; but the reality is, it is difficult to keep a marriage that continues to thrive in love and happiness. If everyone had […]

The Cycling Culture of Atlanta and the Best Places to Travel on Wheels

Cycling has increased in popularity during the pandemic as this was one activity that people can could safely and in isolation. Some of those who looked to cycling during the pandemic were long-time cyclists while some were beginners. Some were also reconnecting with the sport given that they had the time and flexibility  to get back to it. Despite the crisis that the pandemic brought, one positive aspect  of it is that society was able to recognize and restructure their way of life to accommodate the changes experienced by COVID. This is still evident post-pandemic where their newfound perspectives continue to thrive. A place that preserves its rich history and exhibits its modernism captures the hearts of many. Atlanta is […]

Great Running Trails in Atlanta That Locals Love

Michael Canzian is usually on-the-go but still finds the time to go for a walk, run, or cycle in the idyllic places in Atlanta. This comes with no surprise as its crucial to grab the opportunity for every kind of adventure when it’s offered. Indeed, Atlanta presents a variety of opportunities for relaxing walkabouts and thrilling ventures. With its historic buildings yet modern metropolis, both locals and tourists revel in the variety of activities that they could engage in. It’s a bustling city full of developments—a place that never runs out of projects to further contribute to its beauty and vibrancy. Downtown and Midtown Atlanta embodies the heart of the city; it is filled with exciting things to do with […]

Quality Family Time in the Kitchen

Aside from cooking, kitchens function as a space for a family to gather with one another. It leads to waves of laughter and shared experiences that deepen their bonds. It can also cause arguments. For the most part, it offers meaningful memories that are full of valuable lessons. Quality time is a collective process in the kitchen with everyone focused and involved in the task at hand, which is to create wonderfully delicious food and plenty of it! Moreover, when technological distractions are not around, communication takes place with one another and the family bond can be strengthened, highlighting the fact that a household that can indulge in each other’s presence while being of service to one another. Instilling discipline […]