How to Balance Healthy Living and your Career

I’ve often noticed in movies over the years that rich businessmen are often portrayed as “big” guys. The notion that company owners or senior executives are depicted regularly as “corporate fat cats” is not exactly as funny or accurate as some people may think.  If you’re managing a business -whether it be a start-up or a Fortune 500- , managing to  eat a healthy diet can pose significant challenges.  Let’s face it, when time is short, it is easy to get a “fast” (food) meal.  It is  no wonder that those with busy lives are susceptible to packing on a few extra pounds.  Before you know it, those pounds accumulate over months if not years, and you suddenly look in the mirror and ask “who is that?”. Making matters worse, the long and stressful work hours make regular exercise that much more difficult as well.    So, newsflash to stressed out executives; don’t be surprised if you develop […]

Michael Canzian on Alzheimer’s Disease and the World It Needs

One of the non-profit charities that Michael Canzian donates to is the Alzheimer’s Association. While he donates to other organizations, he highly supports the cause of this non-profit given that millions of people are affected by this disease. Through his donations, he is able to support various initiatives such as advanced research for finding the cure for Alzheimer’s and allocating proper funds for affected elders and families. It may be the case that some who consider donations may think that their contributions would not matter or be significant enough to make an impact, and therefore often choose not to donate at all.  However,  the fact remains that every dollar donation, or the donation of one’s time, is always beneficial and helpful to any non-profit in meetings its goals and objectives.  The only […]

Speaking with Michael Canzian on the benefits of staying physically fit

Michael Canzian recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle regardless of a hectic schedule. He enjoys a number of sports such as skiing, cycling, running, and weight lifting given that this helps him stay in shape. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021) asserted that “Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health” (para. 1). Working out should be perceived as a health investment that will demonstrate its effects in the long run given that it provides various benefits that is not only limited to physical development but also mental strength. First, staying physically fit will assist the body to improve overall quality of life. The American Heart […]