Books are helpful in a number of ways. Reading itself is already a transforming hobby that instills self-discipline and understanding of the world. According to research, regular reading “improves brain connectivity, increases your vocabulary and comprehension, empowers you to empathize with other people, aids in sleep readiness, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, fights depression symptoms, prevents cognitive decline as you age, and contributes to a longer life.” Developing this as a hobby will certainly enrich every aspect of one’s life.
Moreover, there are various genres such as fiction and nonfiction, classics, fantasy, romance, mystery, and etc. People tend to pick a genre based on their needs, interests, or mood. In my case, I read self-help and business books in order to expand my knowledge further–leading to personal development for the work I do. Some of the most impactful books I’ve read in my younger days were How to Win Friends and Influence People, Start with Why, and The Lean Start-Up. Each provided both insight and wisdom in leading an influential life. Here are the other benefits of reading self-help and business books:
Self-help books widen one’s perspective
I observed that self-help books allowed me to have a broader perspective of myself. I got to realize my strengths and weaknesses, mistakes, and shortcomings as an individual. It allowed me to face the reality–to confront myself in the aspects on which I should improve. Of course, it does not only stop with confrontation, but I also push myself to take action because that is how growth evolves. It leads to continuous personal development–discovering hidden skills and knowledge, deepening my understanding, redefining beliefs, and realigning principles.
In addition, self-help books expand my interpretation of the world. It lets me understand how the world functions and why people behave the way they do. This increased my empathy for people and those who may need more help in certain areas for which they have little or no control. This also led to further understanding of society and relationships; everything is interconnected.
Self-help books give inspiration
I recognized that every time I read self-help books, it always makes me want to be the best version of myself. Even though I’ve read a statement thousands of times, it still gives that burst of inspiration and encouragement to do and perform better. It lets me believe that I am capable of anything that I set my mind to. This also allows me to be more present with my family to see and appreciate their importance even more.
Self-help books increase self-belief
Such books also provide clarity and hope when it comes to overcoming problems. Instead of letting a complication or issue occupy my mind, I choose to focus on the things that I can do to improve the situation. Letting negative thoughts get the best of me will only add to the problem, so shifting the focus on the positives is the key to an abundant and successful life.
Positive thinking leads to better choices and improved decision-making skills. This increases my desire for growth and excellence, allowing me to visualize short and long-term goals that would benefit various aspects of my life and those around me.
Business books provide information
As a businessman, I believe that continuous learning is the key to success. One can never learn too much. If anything, learning too much will always be an advantage given that knowledge is power. Especially in terms of business, there are a number of concepts, principles, and strategies that must be constantly learned and relearned in order to keep moving forward.
It also provides frameworks for choices and decisions. Business is not always about innovation, but also it is about recognizing smart and practical choices that lead to improvement. Before making decisions, it is important to consider the pros and cons in order to come up with the most effective solution. Despite being educated and experienced in the field, humility is always required and the need to refresh and expand one’s knowledge is paramount
Business books prompt motivation
I witnessed that business books provide a boost of motivation. It encourages me to start thinking, planning, strategizing better in order to arrive with new ideas or answers to problems. Reading reminders from people with wide experience in their field of expertise is insightful yet also invigorating. Because I am able to feed my curiosity and expand my knowledge base, it makes me feel motivated to apply the lessons to my current and future business scenarios and relations. – Michael Canzian